Sunday, May 10, 2009

Diet Myths

1. Drinking water before meals/just drinking water bloats you up

You can't seriously believe that! Water does not stay in your body for long (unless you have kidney malfunction) In fact, drinking water with meals is a good strategy to curb unnecessary hunger pangs. Think of it like this: When you don't drink enough water, your body presumes that you are unable to access water to quench your thirst-so it retains water, which in turn causes bloating.
Aim for a minimum of 8 glasses per day. But its fine if you don't want to go with numbers. Just keeping yourself hydrated is enough! The best test to check your hydration level is (its gross to admit it, but it works!) to check the color of your urine :|
If it is colorless, you body is hydrated. If not, BOTTOMS UP!

Note: Don't go overboard with drinking water. (It is for you if you are drinking INSANE amount of water and not sweating it out) I don't mean to scare you, but there was a case of a woman whose organs drowned in the excessive water she consumed :/ It is not likely to happen if you're not gulping water like an insane maniac but- just so you know!

2. Eating less leads to faster weight loss

Surprise! It doesn't! If you are taking less than 1200 calories and have a moderate lifestyle, you're pushing your body towards starvation mode. You'll just wreck your metabolism by eating less and no, you won't lose weight. Besides, depriving yourself increases future chances of a binge. Also, controlling your diet alone WILL help you to lose weight, but the results will come at a snail's pace. Incorporate cardio and strength training to see faster results and to improve your cardiovascular health.

3. Drinking lemonade with honey helps weight loss

Ahem! :|
For the love of god!
Yes, lemonade gives your metabolism a boost but you can't rely on this miraculous secret alone :/ Continue this practice, by all means but don't expect instant weight loss by sticking to just this little metabolism booster. Also, OD-ing on lemon can harm your kidneys so make sure you are diluting the lemonade with enough water!
And FYI: 1 tbsp of honey has almost double the calories than 1 tbsp of sugar. The difference is that sugar has hollow calories while honey has vitamins and minerals. So yes, honey is a better option than sugar but opt for minimal honey. Also, refrain from using artificial sweeteners.

4. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar

Yes and No!
Yes because it contains traces of magnesium ('traces' being the keyword here)
No because you'll have to eat a boxful of brown sugar to register any significant impact.
So, you're not eating healthier when you opt for brown sugar over white sugar. They have equivalent calories.

Note: Whole wheat bread IS better than white bread
Whole wheat rice IS better than white rice
Whole wheat pasta IS better than white pasta

5. Black coffee is your secret weight loss weapon

Black Coffee simply causes fluctuations in your heart rate for a while and then your body gets used to the caffeine. Also, caffeine is known to trigger insomnia. Instead of becoming a caffeine addict, opt for green tea- which also happens to be a great source of anti-oxidants.

6. Ghee is better than vegetable oil

No, it isn't. Ghee is pure saturated fat. And while it isn't all that bad, vegetable oil with a considerable percentage of monosaturated and polysaturated fats is always a better option (make sure it has ZERO trans fat) Olive oil, is the best option. At the end of the day, almost all oils have equivalent calories (about 110 calories per tbsp) some are just healthier than others! (Try nut based oils)

P.S These are just my personal opinions and even though they're technically correct as far as my knowledge goes, you might find contrasting views on similiar topics

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