Saturday, August 1, 2009

Twilight- Is there more to it than childish rants?

You would love the book if you are either a pre-teen girl or a die hard romantic. The first few chapters are nothing short of banal-with the half baked writing being so frustratingly childish that it makes you want to fling the book in the nearest dustbin. But if you actually have the patience to plough through those rants, you come across an enchanting representation of love.
The conversations that that take place between Edward and Bella have been drawn out with such finesse that it melts your heart every time they utter a word. Even though the backdrop remains shaky and the storyline bears a sad resemblance to J K Rowling's writing style, the author manages to play her strength- drawing out a gooey love story that makes it impossible to put the book down. It could have easily been an ordinary teenage love saga but the sheer simplicity of love that is depicted here is neither childish nor ordinary in any sense. There is nothing here that makes you scoff at the idea of 'yet another' teenage girl-vampire love story, even though the storyline has been thoroughly beaten down to death by a gazillion filmmakers/authors already. The creativity, in fact, lies in the way the author carefully chalks out a beautiful relationship. A little piece of conversation like:

"I love you" I said.
"You are my life now" He said simply.

seems so odinary when you think about it but it actually manages to give you goosebumps.

Read it if you are a 'Mills & Boons' kind of a person. If not, there is nothing extraodinary about it. Its like watching a chick flick- you like it, you hate the fact that you liked it and you would never admit to anyone that you actually enjoyed it.

At least I won't ;P

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